Destination Ursa Major Weekly’s – Episode 6

Episode 6 Back in the woods just west of Cincinnati in a dilapidated barn, Ridgemont and his supervisor, Harlan Brooks, were surveying the area to put signs to indicate the rural and largely undisturbed nowhere they stood was to become the path of a major railway. In the frenzied gnats and baking sun beside anContinue reading “Destination Ursa Major Weekly’s – Episode 6”

New Science Fiction/Occult Weekly Episodes…etc…

In the not-so-distant future, the United States launches a series of voyages with the massive New Salem city-craft to a faraway Earth-like planet of the star Alkaid. Passengers of the missions are chosen through a lottery system and will travel through space for 4.5 years to the planet of Kainos – where an initial settlement colony is preparing the surroundings – at least…that’s the plan…